PC Tools Password Utilities User Guide
PCTools Password Utilities User Guidehttp://www.pctools.com/guides/password/
The PC Tools Password Utilitiesincludes useful features to make creating and managing passwords much simpler.Included are three main features:
[*]Password Generator - is an offline version of the web-based Password Generator which allows you to securely and easily create passwords locally on your own PC.[*]Password Checker - a new feature that lets you check the quality and strength of a password. By entering your password in the checker it will run a series of tests on the password to indicate how strong it is, and therefore how easy it may be to guess or crack.[*]Password Revealer - works with Internet Explorer to reveal saved password that you have entered in web-forms but may have subsequently forgotten or lost. Simply bring up the hidden password in Internet Explorer, highlight it, and Password Revealer will tell you the saved password.Current Version:
Release Date: February 18, 2008
File Size:392KB
License and Cost: Freeware, Free
**** Hidden Message ***** :挖鼻孔 閱~ 乙上
[ 本帖最後由 laozhao 於 2008-2-22 16:30 編輯 ] 嗯哼~中譯:047
[ 本帖最後由 waung 於 2008-2-23 03:35 編輯 ]
回應 3# waung 的文章
:漫不經心 :漫不經心感覺我發錯地方了
這鬼東西 有三個功能
1.可以在個人電腦上依照所給予的條件 自動產生 具安全性的密碼
2.可在電腦上 驗證目前所使用的密碼是否安全
3.可以本機上查詢 透過 Internet Expoler 所儲存的網路密碼 我都是用KeePass覺得很不錯,這個有機會也試試看。
回應 4# ENIX.DC 的文章